EORI Number required – In the event of the UK leaving the EU without a Deal

Posted 22 January 2019

HMRC recently wrote to businesses urging them to plan for every possible outcome including a no deal Brexit.

If your business trades with the EU, then 3 actions to prepare for a no deal EU Exit must be actioned.

1) Register for a UK Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number;

2) Decide if you want to hire an agent to make import and/or export declarations for you, or if you want to make these declarations yourself; and

3) Contact the organisation that currently moves your goods to find out if you will need to supply additional information to them so that they can make the safety and security declarations for your goods, or whether you will need to submit these declarations yourself.

Businesses that trade with the EU will need an EORI number to:

1) Continue to import or export goods with the EU after 29 March 2019, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal; and

2) Before they can apply for authorisations that will make customs processes easier.

Due to a high demand from our existing clients needing assistance with this, CBTax can support your business with obtaining an EORI number to ensure that you remain compliant on the event of a no deal Brexit, at a fixed fee of £50 plus VAT.

So take action today and contact CBTax for support on getting your business ready for a no deal Brexit.

Call: 0333 455 9010

Email: stephenbeale@cbtax.co.uk