Jack Bramston – Promoted to Business Development Manager!

Posted 1 December 2022

CBTax are delighted to announce that Jack Bramston has been promoted to Business Development Manager from Business Development Executive.  Jack has hit the ground running since joining the CBTax’s sales team in May 2022. 

Jack is from an Automotive background with over six years’ experience.  Jack progressed quickly in his role, becoming the youngest sales managers in the UK.

Since joining CBTax as a BDE 7 months ago, Jack’s wealth of experience and newfound passion for spreading the word of R&D to companies that haven’t even heard of this scheme, have now seen him help Businesses reclaim over a million pounds worth of R&D Tax Credits, enabling them to reinvest and continue to grow and be successful.

James Wormington, Head of Sales, said “Jack has been a great asset to the sales team since his first day at CBTax, so this was the next natural progression step for him. His unmatched ability to build rapport with clients has enabled him to build a large portfolio of clients who all value his service. We wish Jack the best of luck in his new role”

The R&D Tax Credit scheme is often overlooked by many companies believing that they don’t qualify.  Jack gives time and good education to businesses to help them to understand the requirements to qualify and giving them the confidence to apply with what their company offers.

Jack said “I thoroughly enjoy my role here at CBTax and I am honoured to be given the BDM opportunity; Thanks to the diverse team we have, my skillsets in different sectors has grown significantly and in turn, I can help more companies reach their maximum R&D potential. Nothing gives me more pleasure than putting a successful claim together for a client and watching them grow as a result, being part of that story is extremely fulfilling. I look forward to working closer with our technical experts, tax advisors and BDE’s to continuously spread the word of R&D and the great work we do here at CBTax.

CBTax are here to help any business that is eligible for this scheme no matter what the company size.  Jack has the knowledge and ability to help businesses understand this. Well done Jack on your promotion!

If you would like to speak to Jack or one of our experts about making an R&D Claim or to simply see if your business qualifies, please call us on: 0333 455 9010.